Power Notcher PND-54
General Information
The Power Notcher PND-54 is a device with pneumatic power source for cutting and dimpling the branched tube ends before insertion into the T-branch collar.
The PND-54 is a natural complement to the T-DRILL collaring (tee forming) system. It firsts cuts a half-moon shaped coupon from each side of the branch tube to provide unobstructed flow while simultaneously pressing in a dimple that rests on the rim of the tee that acts as a depth stop. A second dimple 6 mm higher acts as a point of inspection.
This saves a lot of assembly time and the result is an inspectable brazed joint with the best possible flow characteristics.
The Power Notcher PND-54 is suitable for branch tube sizes 12, 14–16, 18, 22, 28, 35, 42 & 54 mm and corresponding inch sizes: ½”, ¾”, 1”, 1 ¼”, 1 ½” & 2”.